Seregno (Italy) – Izvor (Serbia) – Taiwan
October 17
For many years now, the Embassy of the Sovereign Order of Malta in Belgrade has been offering support to the Institution St.Petka, taken care by the Monastery in Izvor, while receiving their numerous WISHES. This brilliant Center hosts 92 girls with physical and mental disabilities.

Over time we helped their WISHES come true such as: industrial washing and drying machines, fully equipped ambulance, medical equipment, a car, cleaning and hygiene products for girls. Recently, their WISH for clothing, food products and products for cleaning their environments (kept perfectly clean!) has arrived. We contacted our donors and we got immediate response from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Government of the Republic of China (Taiwan) through their Representative Office in Budapest (Hungary) as well from the CISOM (the Order of Malta’s Italian Relief Corps) from Monza and Brianza.
In the past few days, the requested products have been collected from our Taiwanese friends, and the needed clothing have been brought from Italy. The delivery of products to the highly efficient nun Mother Glikerija took place in the presence of the Ambassador Alberto di Luca, Project Manager of the Make a WISH Prof. Nenad Prokic and Ambassador of Taiwan Andrew Chang. Virtually present were clothing manufacturers, the CISOM Director for Monza and Brianza Vincenzo Lucisano, with his helpful associates from Brianza,Antonio Saccenti and Antonio Sorvillo – physically absent from Serbia but always present with heart and mind!

The WISHES from the Institution St.Petka for the year 2020 are very important for us. Therefore, we are going to organize a Charity Dinner at the “Four Seasons” in Milan on November 21st together with the Lombardy Delegation of the Order of Malta in favor of these girls and other “Make a WISH”we already received.

For any additional information about the Charity Dinner please contact the Embassy Secretary Mauro Torre at email: